Els jugadors del FC Santa Coloma s’han presentat aquesta setmana a la pretemporada per a la propera temporada. El nou entrenador, Dmitri Cheryshev, també es va unir a l’equip mentre va portar l’equip a través d’uns primers dies vigorosos de pretemporada mentre la pluja s’abocava al camp d’entrenament.

L’entrenador Cheryshev, la directora general Annabel Llevot i el conseller delegat de Gold Star Alex Lubyansky continuen treballant per finalitzar l’equip mentre es preparen per al primer partit de la temporada contra l’UE Engordany l’11 de setembre.

Preseason 1

FC Santa Coloma players reported to preseason this week for the upcoming season. New coach, Dmitri Cheryshev, also joined the team as he took the team through a vigorous first couple of days of preseason as the rain poured onto the training field.

Coach Cheryshev, General Manager Annabel Llevot, and Gold Star CEO Alex Lubyansky continue to work to finalize the team as they prepare for the first match of the season against UE Engordany on September 11.

Preseason 3